Congratulations to Justin Watkins and family on opening their Centennial Farms u-pick strawberry field at the historic Jones Farm in Lowell. Check out the Centennial Farms facebook page to learn [...]
Through conservation programs, NRCS provides technical and financial assistance to help producers and landowners make conservation improvements on their land that benefit natural resources, build [...]
Join regional farmers for a casual social time. Share a brew, swap a few tall tales, and enjoy the company of farmers. Special guests from the Arkansas Food Innovation Center and Cureate will [...]
Come see the model student Farm at the University of Arkansas! Meet the farm school students, faculty and staff. June 5, 2023 – CAFF Farm Open House Join CAFF at the farm to tour the facilities [...]
The Arkansas Democrat Gazette interviews a local farmer along with local food, and local farmer supporters working off farm to help improve our local food system in Northwest Arkansas. You can [...]
About 200 acres at the Middle Fork of the White River near Lake Sequoyah will be permanently protected through a conservation easement, with the NWA Land Trust. The acreage includes the family [...]
The Arkansas Democrat Gazette asked to learn more about the NWA Land Trust’s farmland access and support efforts including the new farmland lease program at NWALT Farms Berryville. This [...]